It is a 100% natural herbal formula.
How do the Maximum-XE Pills actually enlarge my penis?
The Maximum-XE Pills enlarge your two erectile tissue chambers in your penis so that you hold more blood when you have an erection. This makes your penis longer and thicker.
How many Maximum-XE pills do I take?
Take two Maximum-XE Pills daily any time, day or evening, together or separately.
How much enlargement should I expect?
Erection size can be up to 3 to 4 inches bigger.
How long do you continue to take Maximum-XE pills?
You should continue taking Maximum-XE pills for greater sexual health, virility, stamina, powerful orgasms, and feel years younger.
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Longjack - Longjack has been used traditionally as an aphrodisiac and libido booster. Scientific studies support its use for this purpose and demonstrate that it is effective at boosting sexual function and endurence. Longjack is believed to stimulate the production of endogenous testosterone and to reduce the levels of bound and metabolically inactive testosterone in the body. It is believed to achieve this feat through the Leutinizing Hormone (LH) pathway. Consequently, users of Longjack commonly report an association between Longjack administration and increased feelings of well-being, increased sex drive, improved joint health, greater recovery from exercise of intense but appropriate duration, improved mental focus, and improved immune system function and reductions in body-fat.The ability of Longjack to improve sexual performance and improve sexual endurance will greatly assist persons looking to improve the qualitative qualities of sexual activity.
Pausinystalia Yohimbe - Yohimbe is made from the inner bark of the Yohimbe tree from West Africa. Yohimbe increases the norepinephrine content of the corpus cavernosum which is essential for erections. Yohimbe stimulates chemical reactions in the body to help impotence.Yohimbe also boosts the adrenaline supply to nerve endings, which can quicken male sexual stimulation. Yohimbe expands the blood vessels in the genitals. Yohimbe also inhibits serotonin. This is important because increased serotonin levels inhibit sexual performance. Poor circulation can cause impotence. Yohimbe can help impotence so that men can experience fuller and longer lasting erections. Yohimbe is also responsible for psychic stimulation, heightening of sexual, emotional sensations and a useful substance for treating male sexual dysfunction. Yohimbe is considered an aphrodisiac, sexual rejuvenator and sexual stimulant.
Yohimbe's alkaloid constituent.s block parts of the sympathetic nervous system and dilates the blood vessels. Other properties work as aphrodisiac and sexual stimulant to help with sexual dysfunction. Increases reflex excitability in genitals. Lowers blood pressure.
L-Arginine - L-Arginine is necessary for the execution of many physiological processes. These physiological processes include hormone secretion, an increase in growth hormone output, the removal of toxic waste products. It is often used for supporting healthy sexual function. Recently, dietary supplements containing Arginine have become popular due to Arginine's nitric oxide producing ability, its ability to scavenge free radicals, as well as its ability to signal muscle cells, release growth hormone, support healthy cholesterol, and enhance fat metabolism. Arginine helps regulate salt levels in the body.
Muira Puama - Known as "potency wood" for its properties to improve sexual function. It is used as a traditional aphrodisiac in Brazil, where Muira Puama is known as being a powerful aphrodisiac, nerve stimulant and to help with sexual debility and impotence. Muira Puama has been used successfully in studies to treat erectile dysfunction and to improve libido. It is also good for the gastrointestinal and reproductive systems. Muira Puama contains a phytochemical called lupeol and fatty acids, essential oils, plant sterols, and triterpenes. These substances work to enhance the psychological and physical factors of sexual function. A sexual stimulant and aphrodisiac Muira Puama improves sexual desire and enhances libido. Helps men attain and maintain erection. Increases testosterone levels. Combats fatigue and exhaustion. Improves circulation to the prostate.
Damiana - Damiana is one of the most popular and safest herbs to restore natural sexual capacities and functions and has been used as an aphrodisiac going back to ancient Mayan times. This potent aphrodisiac is a wonderful sexual rejuvenator and stimulator known for its help with impotence and as a general tonic to improve all body functions. Damiana contains substances called terpenes, beta-sitoserol, arbutin, alkaloids and various aromatic oils that have a stimulant effect on the sexual apparatus and help to build sexual health and reproductivity. These nutrients work to restore and enhance sexual functions by increasing blood flow to the organs and for overall health of the sexual reproductive system. Damiana also works as a tonic for nervous or sexual debility.
Avena Sativa- Part of our formula is a substance discovered from an exotic plant in China. Intended as an animal food supplement it raised sex hormone levels, decreased artery clogging and produces a substance (beta-sitosterol ) that contributes to the production of the sex hormone testosterone. We also include another compound (boron) that is a key mineral for male sexual health.
Horny Goat Weed - Known in China as Yin Yang Huo. Chinese top medical doctors report that horny goat weed boosts libido and improves erectile function. Used to restore sexual fire and allay fatigue. Works by freeing up testosterone allowing to you to have a more incredible sex drive and endurance. Has been proven to be a powerful, natural aphrodisiac, which will enhance physical and sexual sensations.Horny goat weed has become very popular as an aphrodisiac herb and it may be beneficial for relieving stress as well. The mechanism of how horny goat weed works for increasing sexual desire is still unknown. It is believed to work due to its adaptogenic properties and effect on cortisol levels, which are the main stress hormones. It is believed that horny goat weed may be able to restore levels of testosterone and thyroid hormones. The herb has been traditionally used for liver and kidney tonification as well as sexual dysfunction, which can be related to deficiencies in the kidney area. It has improved the life of chronic renal failure patients in a Chinese study. It is found in formulas for psychological and physical impotence.
Tribulus Terrestris- This ingredient used on men with sexual problems, impotence, inability to maintain an erection and other problems was spectacular. Testosterone levels increased substantially and so did muscle strength. Sexual ability and performance significantly accelerated. The activity of the sperm and sperm count lasted 30 minutes longer than normal. A potent aphrodisiac and sexual stimulant it Improves sexual desire and sexual performance. Increases blood circulation to the organs.
DHEA- If you do not get a night or morning erection almost every day then your testosterone level is to low. Research shows testosterone deficiency as we get older may be as much as 50%. But do you really need a testosterone injection or gel that can cause serious side effects when we have available a satisfactory natural herb that is not harmful. Because we are able to synthesize the main precursors of testosterone we include this in our formula to help stimulate testosterone production and release more testosterone into the system. DHEA is an acronym for the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (now you know why people use the acronym.) It is the most plentiful androgenic hormone produced by the adrenal glands and it is quite important to men. Around 50% of all testosterone are derived from it. Levels of DHEA are quite high at birth, drop during childhood, and peak during young adulthood. A pre-cursor hormone, it leads to the production of other hormones. When this compound is supplemented, it has been shown to have awesome effects. Research shows it may be a sort of fountain of youth, slowing the aging process. It has also been shown to help people lose weight, burn fat and build muscle, and increase sex drive. Dietary supplements of DHEA can help maintain proper levels in the body and can aid a person in their overall well being. Because DHEA levels decrease with age, people above middle age can have incredible results as the studies above have shown. Body builders or athletes can have some of the greatest beneficial results. They can use it to help build strong muscles and lower body fat.
Ginkgo Biloba - Medicinal use of ginkgo can be traced back 5,000 years in Chinese herbal medicine. The action of the herb may help support the brain, central nervous system and impotence. Ginkgo is known for increasing blood flow to the brain, which aids in mental function. The herb also increases blood flow to the genitals, which improves sexual function. In one study 78% of a group of men with impotence reported significant improvement without side effects. Ginkgo improves peripheral circulation and oxygenation It is the oldest living tree species on earth. To be that strong and resistant you can imagine the benefits it promotes? Problems associated with aging react positively with Ginkgo: Poor circulation, sluggish brain function and even some case of Alzheimer disease. Its leaves are used medicinally as an ancient Chinese remedy for coughs, asthma, and treatment of inflammation due to allergies. Ginkgo biloba increases the blood flow and oxygen to the brain to help alleviate memory-related problems. This increased circulation can also be beneficial to help men achieve and maintain an erection.
Ginkgo biloba exerts a positive effect on the vascular system of blood vessels to help deliver blood and oxygen to the organs, improve circulation and enhance the nervous system. This increase of blood flow benefits the brain and lower extremities and helps to regulate the tone and elasticity of blood vessels. Studies have shown that ginkgo biloba can be effective in the treatment of erectile dysfunction due to lack of blood flow. Ginkgo biloba and its flavone glycosides offer excellent antioxidant properties to eliminate free radicals and maintain healthy blood cells. Improves memory, relieves signs of senility and slows progression of Alzheimer symptoms.Improves blood flow and circulation to the organs and extremities.
Panax Ginseng - Ginseng has been used in various traditional medicinal therapies for thousands of years in China and North America. At present, it is also used as an ingredient for formulation of herbal supplements and functional foods. Ginseng is reported to have a wide range of therapeutic and pharmacological activities, which focus on immunological, central nervous system, acceleration of metabolism, and anti-oxidant properties. The Panax Ginseng Roots and root hairs used in this product have been specially selected for their high concentration of ginsenosides, the most active constituent in ginseng. Modern therapeutic use refers to vitality, immune function, cardiovascular diseases, improvement of cognitive and physical performance and sexual function.
Rhodiola Root- Rhodiola Root is native to Siberia and Europe, and has been used there for the treatment of a multitude of ailments, including anemia, depression, fatigue, impotence, and infections. Rhodiola Root has been shown to improve cognitive function, athletic performance, and sexual function The Vikings used Rhodiola Root to improve endurance and enhance physical strength. In Germany, Rhodiola Root has been used for pain, headache, hemorrhoids, and as an anti-inflammatory. In recent times, Rhodiola Root has been the subject of numerous studies in Scandinavia and the former Soviet Union, where it has been favorably compared to Siberian Ginseng. Those studies show that Rhodiola Root is effective in improving cognitive function, improving the immune system, enhancing athletic performance and relieving stress. Rhodiola has also been shown to have aphrodisiac properties, and has been used to treat premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. Rhodiola Root is an adaptogen, similar in effect to Cordyceps, and boosts energy levels without the adverse effects of other stimulants.
Maca Extract Root (5 X) - Native Peruvians have consumed Maca for centuries medicinally to enhance fertility and help a wide variety of hormone imbalances. Popular today due to its energizing effects, fertility enhancement and aphrodisiac qualities. Other uses include increasing stamina and endurance in athletes, treating male impotence and used by bodybuilders due to its richness in sterols. Maca greatly increases the vitality of the body. Increases the libido, sexual vigor, and both the quality and the staying power of sexual activity. Listed below are the comments of a few doctors. Aguila Calderon, M.D., is the former Dean of the Faculty of Human Medicine at the National University of Federico Villarreal. In his practice Dr. Calderon uses maca for male impotence and erectile dysfunction. Gary F. Gordon, M.D states using this Peruvian root myself, I personally experienced a significant improvement in erectile tissue response. It has the facility to forestall the hormonal changes of aging. It acts on men to restore them to a healthy functional status in which they experience a more active libido. Doctors and Clinicians in Peru have long relied on Maca to restore sexual vitality for their patients and improve sexual enjoyment & performance.
Aphrodisiac activity-
Enhance libido, increase energy, stamina and endurance, improvement of male potency, increases sperm count, athletic performance, increased testosterone levels and helps with erectile dysfunction.
Catuaba (bark) (Erythroxylum catuaba) Caramuru, juniperis brasilinsis - Catuaba is a tree found in Brazil. In herbal medicine, Catuaba bark is considered a central nervous system stimulant with aphrodisiac properties and the bark extract is used for sexual weakness. Contains a variety of sexual performance enhancing properties. Reports in scientific journals have supported their use for sexual enhancement. A group of three alkaloids catuabine A, B and C are believed to enhance sexual function by stimulating the nervous system. It is very synergistic when combined with another herb Muira Puama. Together they work better and provide a powerful sexual enhancing effect. Historical uses include its use as a male aphrodisiac, and also a tonic to the male organs. It is also used to treat male impotency and its ability to strengthen erections. It is a strong tonic and fortifier of the nervous system and used for prostatitis capable of giving strength to men. Over a period of time the first symptoms are usually erotic dreams, and then increased sexual desire. Can help nourish and stimulate the male sexual glands and enhance the production of sexual hormones. Catuaba is used to help restore sexual prowess (combating sexual exhaustion) and male sexual impotence and can induce a feeling of sexual arousal.
Saw Palmetto (berry)- Known to stimulate a low libido in males and to increase sexual energy. A compound in saw palmetto has aphrodisiac effects. Several studies in Europe show that saw palmetto is an effective treatment for many men, BPH found that an extract of saw palmetto reduced prostate size by 13 percent. Enhances sexual functioning and desire and reduces cholesterol and fatty acids in the blood.
Astragalus (root)- Astragalus strengthens the vital force, nourishes the immune system, and strengthens the heart and lungs. It has long been used to treat immune deficiency and fatigue, to heal wounds, and to improve digestion and reduce edema caused by cardiac weakness. It is also very useful for chronic or acute low blood pressure. Astragalus root and rehmannia root are key herbs in most TCM prescriptions for treating chronic nephritis. Astragalus is noticeably stimulating, and its action is described as being able to "push the blood," and "bring energy up to the head." Traditional Chinese medicine has used Astragalus for such problems as weakness, edema, respiratory infection heart disease, and high blood pressure. Medical journals suggest the herb may stimulate the immune system and the body's ability to resist and combat various diseases. Research in China indicates that Astragalus may offer antioxidant benefits in people with severe forms of heart disease, relieving symptoms and improving heart function.
Nettles (leaf) - Many of the benefits are due to the plant's very high levels of minerals, especially, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, silica, iodine, silicon, sodium, and sulfur. They also provide chlorophyll and tannin, and they're a good source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, and B complex vitamins. Nettles also have high levels of easily absorbable amino acids. They're ten percent protein, more than any other vegetable. Other uses include treating, glandular diseases, poor circulation (essential for enlargement) and usually used along with other herbs that target the affected organs. Preparations of the herb have astringent properties and act also as a stimulating tonic. Used for centuries to nourish the urinary tract. Long used as a diuretic, it cleanses the entire system by promoting the flow of urine and also aids kidney and bladder function. The herb is used to expel gravel from the bladder, flush toxins from the system and combat urinary infections. In the specific case of men's health, the herb has been helpful in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia. Acts as a diuretic, expectorant and tonic. It is rich in iron and chlorophyll to clean and nourish the blood. Nettle is a tonic and nutritive for the genito-urinary system. It is specific for treating inflammation and enlargement of the prostate.

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